
If you’re experiencing audiology changes or sudden hearing loss, it’s sensible to visit Urgent Care. Our GPs can assess any hearing changes. They’ll refer you to an Audiologist health hearing centre if necessary.

Eastcare health hearing centre | Expert Audiology Clinic

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Do you have hearing problems or concerns? Visit Howick's hearing clinic.

Diagnosing hearing takes expert knowledge and fortunately we have a specialist audiology clinic in our health centre on Botany Road. 

Normally, you will need a GP referral to get a hearing check and its sensible to first rule out any other illnesses. Luckily, the team at Dilworth Hearing have been helping the Howick community with audiology services for many years.

Taking a child to a hearing health centre

Often, tamariki have difficulty telling us when their hearing is troubling them. Little ones can have a variety of hearing issues which do need attention. These include:

  • Ear infections: small ear canals can easily get infected causing a lot of pain when fluid gets trapped. Pamol and sometimes antibiotics can help. Fever, crying, fussing or pulling at their ear are possible signs.
  • Grommets can be put in place for children with Glue Ear or recurrent infections.
  • Foreign bodies: children are prone to sticking small objects, food or plants down their ears. Our GPs can help with removal or ear suctioning may be required.
  • Speech or language difficulties: this could be a sign that your child needs to have  hearing check with audilogist services.

What is an Audiologist?

Also called an Audiometrist, the Audiologist you will see at the Howick Dilworth Hearing clinic will be highly qualified. This expert Audiology clinic treats people of all ages experiencing hearing loss and advises on preventative measures.

They can help:

Should I go to Urgent Care for ear pain or hearing loss (or see an Audiologist?)

Sudden changes to hearing can be frightening, and ear aches extremely painful.

So if you have a problem with your hearing and can’t see your normal GP or hearing health centre, pop in. We’re open late and on weekends to set your mind at rest.

At East Care, our GPs can check reasons why you might be having hearing problems, including:

  • an ear infection
  • foreign body
  • build-up of wax
  • other illnesses that might affect your hearing

For any type of infection we can quickly prescribe medicine such as drops. Fortunately, you can pick this up at the onsite pharmacy. 

Moreover, if we suspect you will need Audiology services, we can make a referral to our onsite hearing health centre, Dilworth Audiology. 

Dilworth Hearing Audiologist Howick East Care Auckland | Free Hearing check

Opening Hours:

Monday to Friday from 7am
Evening appointments on Mon, Tues & Thurs
Saturday – by appointment Sunday closed

Contact Dilworth Hearing:

Phone: 09 538 0420


Complementary onsite services

At our Botany Road premises, we offer a number of onsite services including a Pharmacy and Radiology to ensure your visit to the Centre is as stress free as possible.

Health care professionals providing advance care plans


如您想在我们的诊所注册,您先需要填写我们初级卫生保健机构(Primary Health Organisation,简称 PHO)的注册表格。这是新西兰卫生部的规定。您还需要提供身份和资格证明:

  • 新西兰护照或新西兰出生证明,或
  • 其它国家的护照与永久居民签证、居民签证、或 24 个月以上的工作签证






年龄 健康询问会诊 医生会诊 总额
0-13 岁 - 15 分钟
15 分钟
13 至 17 岁 - 15 分钟
15 分钟
18 至 39 岁 15 分钟
15 分钟*
30 分钟
40 岁或以上 15 分钟
30 分钟
45 分钟

* 注:如果您患有长期疾病,请预约 30 分钟。


您在首次会诊后便能使用您的 MyIndici 患者平台。

请在会诊后尽快支付诊费。没有付清的款项每月将会有 $10 额外行政费用。


我们建议您通过您的 MyIndici 患者平台预约。.



MyIndici 患者平台是一个可以让病人看到自己的健康资讯的安全网站。如果您想开通您的患者平台,请致电诊所 (09) 265 1325 或电邮至。

我们建议您在没有药前两周通过您的 MyIndici 患者平台要求重复处方。如果您还没有开通您的患者平台,请致电诊所 (09) 265 1325。我们的医生会通过电子处方系统把您的处方直接发去您所选的药房(请注明药房名称和地点)。
任何是我们的医生开出的检验,在医生检阅结果后就能在您的 MyIndici 患者平台看到。如果您的化验结果有任何异常,我们的医疗团队会联络您。

我们诊所的办公时间是周一至周五,上午 8:30 至下午 5:00。

在办公室见外请前往 East Care 急诊中心,260号 Botany Road, Golfland, Auckland 2013。
电话:(09) 277 1516


Under 14 Years - Free 14 - 17 years - $14 18 years & over - $16


如果您不能如期出席您会诊,请提前 2 小时通知我们诊所,否则将会有收费。