
It’s important to get urgent care treatment for dehydration. Learn the causes of dehydration and signs and symptoms of chronic dehydration.

Eastcare Accident Emergency Services

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What is dehydration? And what are the symptoms?

Dehydration results from the loss of water and electrolytes from your body. Did you know, your body is about 75% water? So you need plenty of water to make blood and other fluids for your body to function.

Fortunately, mild dehydration can safely be treated at home. But severe dehydration can be life-threatening and needs urgent medical care.

Mild symptoms of dehydration include:

  • Thirst
  • A dry mouth and tongue
  • Feeling weak and dizzy
  • A headache 
  • Nausea
  • Lack of energy

Symptoms of worsening dehydration that need urgent care include:

  • Extreme thirst
  • Dry mouth, lips, tongue, and throat
  • Hot dry skin
  • Tiredness or confusion
  • Cramps in legs
  • Reduced urine output (dark, concentrated urine)
  • Fever, fast pulse and rapid breathing.
  • For babies, they will have less wet nappies. 

Causes of dehyration

Some of the causes of dehydration include:

  • Strenuous activity, especially in hot weather.
  • Not drinking enough water during exercise.
  • Vomiting and diarrhoea.
  • High Fever from an illness such as influenza for Covid.
  • Dehydration can be a complication of diabetes or certain medications.

Who is at particular risk from dehyration

Specifically, babies, the elderly, and outdoor workers are at particular risk of developing dehydration.

  • Babies do not know they are thirsty and cannot get a drink for themselves.
  • The elderly have less capability of knowing when they’re thirsty and often can become confused or have dementia. The Elderly can get chronic dehydration symptoms.
  • Outside workers are exposed to extreme temperatures and are doing strenuous physical work.
  • Ill people with prolonged vomiting and diahorreah
  • Athletes who lose a lot of water through sweat and heat. This included people doing competitive sports as amateurs like triathlon who may not realise they have lost fluids.
Furthermore, if untreated, dehydration can cause kidney or renal conditions such as kidney stones or UTIs. Also, constipation and tiredness can also occur.

When to go to Urgent Care for Dehydration treament

If your baby or an elderly relative is severely dehydrated, urgent medical care is needed.

Our urgent care team can provide intravenous fluid treatment for dehydration (fluid into a vein) to prevent life-threatening conditions.

Home first aid treatments for Mild dehydration

Fortunately, mild dehydration can be treated safely at home.

  • Go somewhere cool.
  • Small, frequent amounts of water.
  • However, don’t drink too much water too rapidly as it can be dangerous.
  • Suck on ice cubes or an ice block.
  • You can use electrolyte solutions such as Hydralyte. You’ll be able to get this over the counter at the pharmacy.  

A home recipe for Electrolyte solution to treat dehydration is:

  • 6 tsp sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 5 cups of boiled water (cooled)

Simply stir until dissolved.

East Care Health Medical Centre urgent care Fees


  • Address: 260 Botany Road, Howick 2013, Auckland
  • Postal: PO Box 38306, Howick 2145, Auckland

Complementary onsite services

At our Botany Road premises, we offer a number of onsite services including a Pharmacy and Radiology to ensure your visit to the Centre is as stress free as possible.

Health care professionals providing advance care plans


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  • 新西兰护照或新西兰出生证明,或
  • 其它国家的护照与永久居民签证、居民签证、或 24 个月以上的工作签证






年龄 健康询问会诊 医生会诊 总额
0-13 岁 - 15 分钟
15 分钟
13 至 17 岁 - 15 分钟
15 分钟
18 至 39 岁 15 分钟
15 分钟*
30 分钟
40 岁或以上 15 分钟
30 分钟
45 分钟

* 注:如果您患有长期疾病,请预约 30 分钟。


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请在会诊后尽快支付诊费。没有付清的款项每月将会有 $10 额外行政费用。


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我们诊所的办公时间是周一至周五,上午 8:30 至下午 5:00。

在办公室见外请前往 East Care 急诊中心,260号 Botany Road, Golfland, Auckland 2013。
电话:(09) 277 1516


Under 14 Years - Free 14 - 17 years - $14 18 years & over - $16


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