Andrew Williams
Andrew is a urologist with subspecialty training in Urological Oncology. He currently lives in Dannemora with his wife and daughter.
Whilst in Christchurch, Andrew took a year out from his medical training to undertake research in the Department of Surgery. He went on to complete specialty training in urology in New Zealand before moving to Canada for two years to extend his surgical skills. Andrew completed a formal 2-year fellowship at The University of Western Ontario, one of only 15 centres in the world accredited for subspecialty training in Urological Oncology.
The training not only consisted of high volumes of complex cancer surgery but also extensive exposure to other areas of surgery, medical oncology and radiation oncology. He has received numerous awards, attained nearly a quarter of a million dollars in research grants and published over 25 articles in peer reviewed journals. Andrew has also published several book chapters and review articles on the management of both benign prostatic hypertrophy and urological cancers and is a reviewer for numerous international journals.
Andrew worked as a consultant urologist in Dunedin before moving to Auckland to take up positions as a Consultant urologist at Auckland District Health Board and Counties Manukau District Health Board. He is director of Urology training for the Auckland and Counties Manukau DHB’s and is a member of the NZ Urology Training and Education Committee.
Andrew has particular expertise in the surgical and non-surgical management of cancer as well as laser treatment of prostate disorders and regularly consults at East Care.