Dr David Voss
Dr David Voss is the resident Specialist Renal Physician here at Eastcare Specialist Centre, and we feel privileged to have his expert services. First and foremost, Dr Voss is passionate about the early diagnosis and treatment of kidney disease. So, if you have kidney pain or concerning symptoms, or know that you may be at risk of kidney disease, see Dr Voss without delay.
The good news is that the correct treatment can prevent chronic Kidney disease (CKD) and renal failure.
Find a trusted and highly experienced kidney doctor at East Care Specialist Centre in Botany.
Importantly, Dr David Voss has vast experience and skill in diagnosing kidney diseases. After graduating from Otago Medical School in 1984, David Voss undertook specialist training in Nephrology, the study of the kidneys and kidney diseases, in Wellington and Christchurch, as well as Edinburgh in Scotland. As a result, David is highly qualified with a BSc MBChB FRACP MRCP(UK) RNZAMC. When he returned to Auckland, Dr Voss took a position as a Renal Specialist at Middlemore Hospital. And, after 28 years, he still serves our community with compassion and enthusiasm.
Effectively treating the symptoms of Urinary conditions, kidney pain, stones or infection.
Are you experiencing the pain and distress of having recurrent urinary tract infections, kidney stones or passing blood in your urine? In that case, you will want an experienced kidney doctor to help to diagnose and treat you quickly.
Kidney diseases which Dr Voss can help diagnose and treat include:
- Kidney stone disease: Kidney stones (or renal calculi) are hard deposits of minerals or salts that can cause pain. They are passed into the ureter, the tube joining the kidney to the bladder. If a stone becomes stuck in the ureter, it can block the urine flow. This causes severe spasm-like pain.
- Management of urinary tract infections (UTI): These infections occur in the bladder, urethra or kidneys. The distressing symptoms commonly cause pain or burning when you pass urine. However, the condition may also cause back or pelvic pain, a fever, nausea and vomiting.
- Haematuria is blood in urine, which is often harmless but may result from a urine infection, kidney stones, an enlarged prostate or conditions such as bladder cancer.
Treatment of renal conditions arising from Diabetes and hypertension
Also, as there is a close correlation between Diabetes and renal disorders, you might be experiencing. Your GP may refer you to a renal specialist if you have a condition like High Blood Pressure or Diabetes. These conditions can increase your risk of kidney disease or renal failure.
Dr Voss has a particular interest and skill in diagnosing and treating the following problems:
- Renal impairment (reduced eGFR): Early kidney disease often has no symptoms but can cause damage to the kidneys. Blood tests, including an eGFR test, are done if you risk developing kidney disease or renal failure.
- Proteinuria: This means protein in the urine. It can indicate kidney disease caused by high blood pressure or Diabetes.
- Renovascular disease: The blood vessels to one or both kidneys become narrowed and can cause kidney disease. High Cholesterol, Diabetes and High Blood Pressure are risk factors associated with this disease.
- Diabetic neuropathy or diabetic nerve damage can affect your legs or feet and can lead to toes needing amputation.
- Nutrition for Renal Disease: A diet which helps your kidneys to work better and help you to feel well.
- Haemodialysis: This treatment uses a machine to filter your blood to remove wastes and fluids when your kidneys are not healthy enough to do this any longer.
- Renal transplant medicine involves surgery to replace a diseased kidney with a kidney from a donor.
Creating Accessible healthcare pathways for people needing Kidney Dialysis
Moreover, David is particularly interested in helping people with renal failure access dialysis. He is the founder of KidneyKare Dialysis in Mangere. It is the only private Renal haemodialysis unit in NZ. Further to his public and private practice, Dr David Voss enjoys teaching and passing on his expertise. He is the Renal Advisor to the New Zealand Defence Force and runs clinics in Fiji and Samoa.
If you or your whānau require expert advice from a caring kidney doctor, make an appointment today to see Dr Voss at East Care Specialist Centre.
To make an appointment with Dr David Voss, contact our Specialist Centre reception team.